Fabulous, Leadership, Overcoming

Being the Bigger Person : It’s For YOUR Peace of Mind

Being the Bigger Person: It’s For YOUR Peace of Mind

How many of us have had to deal with that not-so-kind person?

I don’t know about you, but at times, I want to strangle them.

It happens to the best of us.

Even those who practice mindfulness daily.

We are human.

It happens.

But then, you grow.

You learn.

To be the bigger person.

To be the bigger leader.

Even when you don’t want to.

Why would you do that?

For Peace of Mind.

By arguing with them, being petty, fighting with them, and getting aggravated, all it does it let them win and upset YOU more!

I love Brene Brown and one day to aspire to be in her tribe.

In her two books Daring Greatly and Dare to Lead she shares some powerful insights.

I printed this to be on my wall so I can remember it always! (Right click and save and print )


Image result for brene brown leadership manifesto

If you desire to be a leader, consider this

Image result for dare to lead quotes brene

Being the bigger person, caring about the whole instead of the one, these are leaders.

True colors will show in people and on people.

You don’t even have to do anything.

You just have to be above it all.

My ex-spouse used to say and old British saying… “Don’t worry, they will get their just deserts!”

There is more info on it here CLICK FOR MORE

Translation? Kharma

The hardest part is being right with myself to be the bigger person so often.

It gets tiring.

It gets old.

It gets frustrating.


considering the alternative of letting it affect my peace of mind…worth it every time!

So let them do their thing and you do yours.

Be the best version of yourself that you can be.

Be the bigger person because that is who you are.

The ones who matter will notice.


Fabulous, Fabulousity, Fall Into Fabulous, Trisha Trixie

Take Your Eyes Off the Storm


We often look at life like it is a thunderous, raging storm and can only see the clouds and rain upon us. We all know when the storms are over, the sun will shine and the rainbows and promises will come back out. So, if we know that, then why do we only see the clouds and gray skies when we are in the middle of the storm?

We need to shift our focus, change our perspective and in essence, take our eyes off the storm and look past the horizon to the beauty the awaits you. Once the storm is over, we rarely even remember what that fight was even about. Think about those fights you had with a spouse or a friend from years ago. do you really recall every detail about what is was about and do you even really care. Most likely not.  To that point, when you think about the storms in your life, you most likely won’t remember them and you won’t even remember how you made it through and how you survived it. You will look back in wonder and amazement more than anything else surprised that you are still standing where you are today.

Once out of the storm and onto the other side, if and when you look back, you won’t even recognize yourself. It is like looking back in a mirror that disfigures yourself. You won’t be the same person as when you walked through that storm. You will be a new you, a new character, with new values, with new faith in yourself and perhaps a higher being. You will be a whole, brand new you.

That is what the storm is all about. Growth. Change. Challenge. Character Building.


Have you ever watched the trees in a storm?

How they sway to and fro? Sometimes their branches break and fall to the ground and sometimes leaves are scattered abroad, but how many trees do you notice are completely uprooted? I am not saying none, because, I have seen a few, but that is rare. Those ones maybe needed a complete “uprooting” , but in the most part, the storms make the trees dig deeper into the ground and take deeper roots and become stronger so they can withstand anything.

Plus, there are some things you never learn in life is life is all roses and sunshine. You must learn them in a storm.


You build character. This teaches me how to resolve challenges during this time. I learn how to deal with conflict. I learn how to handle conflict resolution. I take stock during this time and take a deep, deep dive look within. I honestly don’t think many people can do this. I believe I am a quite rare individual who has the capacity to do this.

You learn to stand on your own two feet. Oft times this is where I find out who my friends are and who they aren’t. I learn what I can handle alone and what I can’t. I learn when I need to ask for help.

You build a testimony. I learn so much more about myself and the world during these times.

You build your faith. I’m not just talking about in a higher power here either. I am talking about faith in others, faith in yourselves.

You may realize a defining moment during this time in your life. Often this time in your life when things change, you pivot, you grow, you turn your life around. This is that one time,t hat “moment” that spun everything on a dime and your whole life changed. Maybe this is when you finally “woke up”.

You will grow. All of this comes down to the fact that you will grow. Science says we stop growing after adulthood. In size…yes. In everything else…we continue to grow in character, strength, values, nurture, nature, knowledge, acceptance, love, and the list goes on.

As I have said earlier and for those who know me, I face my storms head on. I don’t cower or hide under the covers. Do I want to? HELL YEAH. I get scared too. I actually don’t like conflict either but I learned a very long time ago that hiding gets me nowhere. I am still going to have to do that math problem I don’t want to do, or face that person who I don’t want to face, or deal with that trial I don’t want to deal with. I learned that if I am going to have to face it anyway, I might as well just get it over with.

When I started being the one to face my fears first and jumping into the lions den, I also learned I had the better advantage. I had the upper hand. I was prepared, I was ready to fight and I had all the tools I needed to do so. It didn’t mean the fight wasn’t hard, it still was hard, but in the end, one way or the other I came out victorious, even if I lost the fight, because I gained what it taught me!

Did you catch that?



This is important for to share with you because I think that many people think that winning the battles are all about truly winning those battles and they are not. It is about what you learn about yourself going through those storms, going through those battles and how you come out on the other side.

You ARE fabulous!

You have always BEEN fabulous.

My message is more than the “You are enough” story. That message is great, but I want to share more than that. Yes you are enough. You already were enough. You were fabulous from the beginning. You were enough from the beginning. We all were.

However, ever a piece of metal is only a piece of metal until is is forged in fire and the master works it and then it becomes a beautiful blade of steel that become a magnificent sword for a knight to yield.

We must go through the storms of life to learn from these trials and to grow. We must look to the horizon and see the beauty that awaits us on the other side and know that we can get through these trials that we encounter and know that we can do it, we can face it together.

We will be strong.

We will be faithful.

We will overcome.

We will survivors.

We will be victorious.

We will be warriors for our future!


Trisha Trixie

